I still need to get MP Megatron first. :sad
Eh. I am looking forward to it, but it's not a "need it now" kinda figure. I am more disappointed w/ Henkei Ratchet being delayed. That just means I am going to have to pay TFsource more $$ to have them ship the other Henkei when they come in instead of waiting for Ratchet and then getting them all.
I never said it would outsell deluxe bb (unless they made more of this imaginary alternator), but it would very likely have outsold all the voyager class movie figures (again assuming it was manufactured in great enough numbers to do so).
BB was THE hot toy for a while there, and deluxe bb really was the only decent version made (that ultimate BB was such a disappointment- not only not worth the price, but inferior to the $10 version). All of the more reasonable versions of BB were impossible to find for months. I'm sure it would have been the same with a $20 alternator version.
OK when are we going to see pics of hasbros ratchet, there already talking about henkei.
The $20 price point would = a LOT less sales. No way would an Alternator ever outsell a deluxe of the same character.
Movie Alternators might not have sold more (although considering how scarce the toy was, I'm betting anything that looked half decent and had a $20 would have sold)- but I'm betting it would have been a little better toy than what they released. (although BB is probably among the nicest deluxes ever).
*would have to agree with trench* Hasbro is doing just fine with their kiddie toys. Collector items aren't really their bag, baby.
Not to mention, among the fandom, the hottest toy last year was deluxe Concept Bee, if there had been an Alternator version would it have been any better or sold more units?
I don't think so.[/LaFontaine]
*would have to agree with trench* Hasbro is doing just fine with their kiddie toys. Collector items aren't really their bag, baby.
though I am really liking the all-silver Prime. How often do you see something like that? No G1 colors, just a metal-y looking robot.
I believe we are getting these too from all the fans wanting them. You REALLY think Hasbro is gonna skip out on this money?
Eh, I'm not so sure of that. Fans would have loved an American release of Robot Masters and we never got those. I'm of the opinion that Hasbro is going to keep telling people that "Alternators are still being considered/on hiatus" until such time fans just quit asking about them.
Its supposed to be around the $50 to $55 dollar range. Im hoping for Hasbro to bring in them for the $20 - $25 dollar range and maybe i can just get the Leaders as die cast (since we all know Hasbro wont give us die cast most likely). The way they said their answer about any upcoming Alternators, made me think they have something in mind for some time in the future. I believe we are getting these too from all the fans wanting them. You REALLY think Hasbro is gonna skip out on this money? Thats probably what the delay is about, US. Well Americans. Maybe not but its a possibility highly imo.