Some new Transformers 4: Age of Extinction product listings have been discovered in the Walmart online inventory listings. We have seen some of these before on the Hasbro list we reported on previously. The new list has a number of confirmations about the Dinobots as well a names and prices that are going to be definite spoilers for what we may see in the movie. Check out the full list below for the reveal.
Leader Class
Transformers MV4 Leader Class Optimus Prime $44.96
Transformers MV4 Leader Class Grimlock $44.96
Unknown Class
TRA MV4 Autobot Drift $9.97
Titans Class
Transformers MV4 Titan Optimus Prime $9.97
Transformers MV4 Titan Bumblebee $9.97
Transforemrs MV4 Titan Lockdown $9.97
One Step Class
Transformers MV4 One Step Lockdown $9.97
Transformers MV4 One Step Wolf $9.97
Construct Bots Class
Transformers Construct-Bots Dinobot Slug$9.96