Transformers Universe are rolling out more bots for their MOBA game. This week we are revealing two new warriors, a former vigilante and a gangsta healer. Judging from the Autobot Meltdown and Decepticon Duststrom character announcements, there will be some more images and so forth later this week with more details on these figures, Get a look at their robot faces along with a part 1 and 2 of Q&A that has been posted to their forums.
We covered this previously last year with our interviews with GameInformer, PC Gamer and Edge Magazine. Making fully customisable varied characters that move, fight and change form seamlessly is a lot more challenging than say customising a human or dwarf. You have to ensure that all the customisations work with the animation skeletons of the characters and that everything looks great when the character turns into their vehicle mode. This unfortunately means locking characters into specific builds, which whilst not a problem for Orcs and Elves, doesn’t look all that great for giant Bots.
Just making a Transformers character in general is a major undertaking. We have to invent a vehicle form that looks real, then work out how to turn that vehicle into a robot that looks cool. You can only vary these elements so much before you lose functionality.
So we took the difficult step to redefine how characters work in Transformers Universe, determined instead to showcase varied and interesting characters and reflecting that in our game.
You will now have a selection of unique Warriors who all have their own look, weapons and play styles. We do want you to express yourselves though so there will be plenty of ways to tailor your army, including recruiting your ideal team and customising those warriors with augments, skins and tints to suit you.
Will creating a bot from scratch ever come back?
It’s not in our plan. However! We’ll show you the ways you can alter your Bots in the game soon.
How story based will Transformers Universe be?
We have a detailed backstory that will reveal why the Autobots and Decepticons have made their way to Earth, highlighting key details in Optimus and Megatron’s struggle for supremacy and how all of this will pan out for your commander and your warriors.
We have a very strong creative direction team formed out of our Chief Creative Officer Alex Horton and Creative Director Alex de Rakoff. Alex Horton has a detailed history of working on the story materials for Rockstar games and the commercials industry and Alex de Rakoff comes from feature films and music videos.
Together our creative team are at pains to create a compelling backstory that gives the game context and meaning, not put too much story into the game itself. We want you to know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. They're both responsible for bringing a style to our expression of transformers. A place where we want games, comics and toy collecting cultures to collide in an experience for gamers.
Can you tell us what the game will be like in terms of comparison to another game?
You won’t have seen another game like this in your browser. At Jagex we have a lot of experience with creating innovative browser games and Transformers Universe will be no different. It’s difficult to try and compare Transformers Universe to other existing games as that inevitably creates expectations of that games features appearing in Transformers Universe. Transformers is really its own game.
What we can tell you is that the game is 3rd person, controlled with the mouse and keyboard and that tactics and strategy will be key in defeating your enemies.
What actually is a MOTA?
MOTA stands for Massively Online Tactical Action Game. As the name suggests, it is a game about action and tactics, using your warriors, weapons and abilities to defeat your enemies and gain victory for your faction. We are an MMO but not an MMORPG or MOBA. Our game features a breadth of gameplay which will appeal to PvP and PvE gamers alike.
---- Part 2 ---------------------------
Will the game be similar to RuneScape?
RuneScape has been running for 13 years with a dedicated community, constant updates and it continues to go from strength to strength. We hope that Transformers Universe will experience similar success and become the social, fun community that RuneScape has become. In terms of gameplay though Transformers Universe is a very different game to our other flagship title RuneScape.
Transformers Universe is focused on action packed battles, recruiting and controlling your team of warriors and using their weapons and abilities out on the frontlines. Our focus is on session based content rather than a reliance on quests and performing specific tasks. We want to give you a game that you can master over time and, as you improve, you’ll be able to take on more skilled and powerful opponents on your enemy side.
Will the game feature a persistent world or areas we can roam around?
Transformers Universe will feature a variety of sessions on battlefields each with their own map. In addition to this players will be able to drop into a persistent map area where they can explore, take on PvE challenges and interact with other members of their faction. This means that you will always be able to find something to enjoy when playing Transformers Universe.
What type of vehicles will be available at launch?
The range of Warrior Bots change into a variety of vehicles, from dirt bikes to trucks to rally cars. Each character will have their own unique vehicle form to get around the battlefield in and take on the enemy. We’re going to be very keen to hear your favourites and get your ideas on vehicle states for the future!
What kind of specs are you looking for in candidate computers for beta testing?
Right now Transformers Universe is in its beta development stage and that means the game is still undergoing optimisation, however we have begun sending out emails to all our registered users looking to gather details on PC specifications. With this information we will be looking to invite players who meet our beta requirements to join us in our next beta session. If you have already registered but have not recently completed a technical specifications survey then we recommend visiting to ensure we have your most accurate details. Make sure you’re all signed up and verified!