Gamestop's listing for Transformers Devastation have confirmed the preorder bonuses for the game! Those who preorder will receive skins for Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, and Bumblebee to make them into Nemesis Prime, Red Alert, and Goldfire, AKA Goldbug! While it's doubtful the character skins will have any effect on the voices or personalities of the characters, each skin also comes with a new weapon to affect gameplay. Keep reading for more details!
Nemesis Prime Skin with Dark Star Saber Weapon
Red Alert SKin with Photon Disruptor Weapon
Goldfire Skin with Golf Hunter Weapon
*While Supplies Last.
Seeing as the distribution of these skins will be handled digitally, it seems unlikely that supply will be too terribly limited. The "Golf Hunter" is a typo, and has previously been identified as the Gold Hunter, a weapon that nets you more in-game money for defeating enemies.
Transformers: Devastation is due for release on October 6th for PC plus all current and last-gen Sony and Microsoft consoles including Xbox360, XboxOne, Playstation3, and PS4.