has posted images and details on the Transformers: Devastation DLC coming next week! It appears to be the items which were previously available as preorder bonuses: new skins to make Nemesis Prime, Red Alert, and Goldbug as well as special weapons for each. It's unknown what the price will be, but the general rule of thumb on preorder bonus value is $10 or less, so we'll see. Keep reading to see the characters you can play with while you wait for Fallout 4 to finish downloading!
Optimus' human-made clone, Nemesis Prime. He has all of Optimus Prime's strength, but he's controlled by the Decepticons, so he lacks Optimus' principles. Though, he does have tinted-red windows and a slick, black paint job. Nemesis wields the Dark Star Saber, a glowing sword that quickly reduces enemies to scrap.
Red Alert and the Photon Disruptor
Red Alert is the Autobot's Security Director, but he's a little on the paranoid side. In Transformers: Devastation, he makes up for that paranoia with the Photon Disruptor, a powerful weapon that gives him an advantage during ranged battles.
Goldfire and the Golden Hunter
Bumblebee is one of the friendliest-looking characters in the Autobot lineup, but his Goldfire skin gives him a slightly more threatening appearance. And when he whips out the Golden Hunter Weapon, a pair of highly polished hand cannons, Bumblebee becomes downright dangerous.
It's also been previously mentioned that the Golden Hunter guns increase credit drops.