A photo is circulating of a display banner which proudly debuts the next two projects from X-Transbots. The upcoming unofficial, Masterpiece-scaled figures will be none other than a take on Seaspray, and fully our SIXTH Springer-alike in this scale/design style. We're expecting to see and hear a little more about these in the next day or so as X-Transbots evidently has an event in the works, but here's a quick preview to show that, indeed, there were not already enough people making Springer. Keep reading.
A couple of observations. 1. it looks like the battle armor and extra weapons might be going away, at least for leader figures. 2. Maybe Apeface's headmaster will match the titans return line? Sorta looks that way from the picture. Backwards compatibility I hope!
Was going to get Astrotrain when he was rumored but I am unsure now. If Blitzwing gets a leader release, I might go for it. Will depend on how they look next to the siege voyagers. I think Astrotrain and Blitzwing should be chunky and a little taller than Megatron but not too big. Cool to be getting some new faces though! Glad these are delayed till the next round of WFC (if that's true). Will give me a chance to catch up on the summer/fall releases.