It is game time and we've rounded up a group of the Transformers War For Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron figures for today's Optimus Prime shot. These were the toys we didn't think we would get. When the High Moon game turned out to be more popular than expected, Hasbro found a place for five of the game characters of the WFC (2010) game in the Generations line and followed up with pretty much everyone from the Fall of Cybertron game. Shown here left to right are the following figures:
War For Cybertron Darkside Optimus Prime (2011) - Takara Japan Tokyo Toy Show 2011 exclusive.
Fall of Cybertron Ultra Magnus (2013) - Redeco of Optimus Prime with added sword accessory.
Rage Over Cybertron Optimus Prime (2011) - Hasbro Toys R Us exclusive.
Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime (2012) - Hasbro main-line edition.
United Optimus Prime (2011) - Japan release with HQ paint.