Many who collected the Beast Wars toys have encountered the Optimus Primal Bat and Megatron Gator versus pack that came with a Mini-comic to introduce the series. Only to find things didn't turn out the way they planned as the show debuted with a robot Gorilla and mechanized T-Rex leading the warring factions.
Daily Prime looks at the character that never happened, yet happened thanks to the E-Hobby exclusive Legends LG-EX Convobat released in 2016. Leave it to Takara to pay homage to the rare and exotic by reformulating an all-new figure from other Legends toys. By recoloring the Mindwipe body mold, the Headmaster from Infinitus, swords from Wheeljack, the Headmaster from Nucleon to make a Megalligator with the addition of LG-22 Skull (Skullcruncher), and creating an exclusive comic backstory. Takara managed to piece together a fantastic recreation of the original Beast Wars Versus 2-Pack in a modern Generations way.
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