REMINDER - Don't wait till it is too late, the scalpers will be charging at least double the price for the fully accessorized HasLab Transformers Victory Deathsaurus figure when it is released next year. With just hours left, you can get yours now at the retail price directly from Hasbro Pulse
Really wishing for a Masterpiece version.
Wow that is beautiful.
The proportions are very well done. The parts look like they should and nothing looks too big or too small unlike some other figures that look like Deathsaurus...and Doubledealer. Can't wait to get mine. Couldn't care less about the throne though but hey, it's technically free.
The only thing I could complain about is that the Mega Ultra Chicken head and neck doesn't hide away into the chest. Which obviously couldn't happen and it still be a Breastmaster. That little bit of kibble is the only real complaint but without some odd feat of engineering to move it to the insides of the lower legs, it has to just go on the back like that to retain the gimmick. But looking at it again, it wouldn't be that crazy to pull off and something like that would be perfect for a Haslab where budget shouldn't be a constraint. Oh well.