A proper remake of the 2004 Energon Optimus Prime, aka "Fatimus Prime", has been a long time coming. From the awkward robot mode, to the Playskoolish trailer, that combined to make a pretty nice figure. Thankfully, the Fans Hobby Master Builder MB-18 Energy Commander unofficially delivers the Master Piece treatment this figure deserves.
Fans Hobby sent me this to share with you, and I am delighted to spotlight the Energy Commander with dedicated image galleries for the Core Robot, Alternate / Base, and Combined modes. Today we get into the cab of this big rig with a look at the amazing Core Robot mode. This total remake is bigger and better proportioned, without losing the look of the original. The MB-18 has full on articulation, even in the legs and hands. His signature weapon has been updated as well. I really like how Fans Hobby made included different wheel positions for those who want their Core Robot in the Classic Energon, or the trimmer Energy Commander style. See both of the configurations in the image gallery.
I'd be more interested in this if the drones also transformed into robots (maybe robot animals?)