I told myself I wasn't going to bother with the Legacy Evolution Leo Prime. It gave me flashbacks on Universe Leo Prime, and I like the original Beast Wars II C-16 Lio Convoy more than the MasterPiece MP-48 Lio Convoy. The BWII figure doesn't look like the bouncy Anime design, but the added paint, detailing, and overall design is so classic Japanese. For me, it has always been a given that the toys would be more classic Mech design than the cartoon look, on purpose.
Of course, I caved and got the new Legacy Evolution Leo Prime. Yeah, it is much better than I thought it would be. I like the MP-48 Anime look with a reimagined lion head, like the C-16 has. Sadly, none of them address the awkward legs hanging off the arms. For the price, Leo Prime has most of the fun of them all, with fewer of the design issues of the originals. Oh, and let's not forget the Robot Masters Lio Convoys, that we need to look at too.
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