Part of the Walmart Collector Con 2023 Toxitron Collection rolls out today! Just in are offitical Transformers Legacy Evolution Toxitron Collection 360 Videos for Toxitron, Cloudcover, and Jazz. Check out the available official product details, images and videos here.
The following Transformers Toxitron Collection preorders are open now:
[+] Toxitron
[+] Cloudcover
[+] Autobot Jazz
Well that makes more sense. Her name isn't Laser Cycle Jazz, it's just Laser Cycle. That might actually be worse though. It's what she is, not a name. Road Rocket, Road Pig, Jazz and Soundwave are all Laser Cycles. So what's Soundwave's name going to be if they ever get around to making the other Laser Cycle mold and get around to making a toy based on THAT unreleased deco. Laser Cycle 2?
I got it!
Laser Cycle Too!
And another one. I'm surprised they actually went with both unreleased G2 Jazz figures in the same line. Yeah the mold was there but there are plenty of other options to release him?...her? in. I would rather have seen that Horrorcon Blackarachnia I was talking about instead even though this is proving to be an unreleased "G2" line and not unreleased in general even though Toxitron himself was supposed to be a Universe release. At least we haven't gotten the actual G2 Jazz yet. What a waste that would've been to get over something that actually looks different from the standard release of the figure.
But that should be it for any deluxes other than the extremely obvious we're getting at some point one way or another Wildrider and Breakdown. All that's left is to see if they'll be doing more voyager and leader figures. I would imagine that Swoop is out seeing as to how his toy hasn't even so much as been "officially" announced yet let alone leaked. So all that leaves is Sludge as another possible leader with Blackout and green camo Starscream as more voyagers. But going by Velocitron, I think they might be done other than maybe one more deluxe and voyager each. Velocitron was 6 deluxes, 2 voyagers but was supposed to be 3 and 2 leaders. So far for the Toxitron line we have 5 deluxes, 1 voyager and 2 leaders. This all leaves Motormaster out too though. I wonder how they'll be releasing that as you know they're going to.
I hate the Kingdom Mirage mold so much and these pictures show why. The lost shoulder cannon functionality. I also have issues with the way the alt mode comes together now too and the lack of 5mm port options compared to the Siege version.
They went out of their way to give Jazz the new guns from BBSS86 Hound (who isn't even out yet still) to not only give him his shoulder cannon but to also make it so that it can be positioned "properly". Why not either do the same for Mirage or just give him the better tooling. I guess I'm just going to have to hope that the 5mm ports on the back and the backs of the shoulders are actually 5mm on mine as they're like 5.2mm on my copy of mirage and I can't plug anything into them even when trying to tighten them up. They're just a little too big for that. Or just get some 3d printed part again.
I'll make mine a Decepticon though. The 'con need more troops, more deluxes and more cars and this fills out all three. I might make Jazz a 'con too. It's just a shame that they're not making the unnamed Diaclone decos into more 'cons. Breaker and Guard could both have been 'cons along with Loudpedal...who needs to be made in general. I have extra sigils though and can do it myself but it's just a bit annoying. I also plan on making blue Hoist and red Trailbreaker so maybe they'll be cons to go against Breaker and Lift-Ticket.
And I think the color for Toxitron here is too much on the constructicon side , its the highlighter pen color which is very flat looking. TF Animateds Toxitron was more of a pea green with abit of brownish gradient to the green making it have more depth .
Feels like toxitron works best with the Animated mold..
this one is really lacking in the orange paint splashes that are supposed to be on his shoulders, pylons, hood, chest etc . I dont want to buy stickers , someone please address it
Wait, when did the news story get updated? Before or after my full predictions? Most likely when I was looking everything up and typing it out. Oh man that's so funny that Mirage, Sideswipe and Dead End all showed up. I swear I didn't see that update before I began typing everything out. It was just pretty obvious to predict what else was in the works seeing the molds and decos used. Now to wait until they unveil the decos. I hope I'm right as I really don't want another standard G2 Sideswipe but from the Kingdom mold instead. Yeah the yellow will make him look a bit like Tigertrack but if they use a different shade and make sure the teal/blue is prominent, it should be fine.
Damn, if only there was molds available for the Firecons. They could technically qualify for this as well since only Sparkstalker and Flamefeather got "G2" decos officially but only in Europe and Cindersaur only had one unofficially for Botcon. I always loved the Firecons and would very much like some updates to their G1 and "G2" colors. I'd also like them as beastial Weaponizers but not fossils like the Fossilizers. And for them to have a dedicated combined form. The Sparkabots as well for that matter. Fizzle and Sizzle got their "G2" colors only in Europe again. Poor Guzzle though didn't even get one for Botcon like Cindersaur did.
So I'm going to try to guess some of the other figures that could be in this line going on my assumption of all of these being based on unreleased decos in general and not just G2.
Mirage in pink and green.
Sideswipe in yellow and blue. Same colors as Grimlock actually making it even more or even less likely.
Blackarachnia in pink and black. Horrorcon version to go with Nightprowler and Parasite/Skywasp.
Breakdown in G2 colors with a new name.
Dead End in G2 colors with a new name.
Wildrider in G2 colors with a new name.
Road Rocket in Laser Cycle Jazz colors.
Starscream in forest green camo.
Blackout. AKA Starscream in black.
Sludge in orange with a blue chest.
Swoop in Rainmakereque green and blue.
Motormaster in G2 colors with a new name.
Other than Blackarachnia, they're all from G2. There's a bunch more but they'd require retools of more than a new head like New Rodimus from Inferno/Artfire. They've already been done like Sandstrom, Nightprowler and Parasite/Skywasp. They'd need new molds entirely. Or they'd be too big a stretch like Tow-Line from Scraphook. Okay maybe I'm not over hating that thing yet. So this might really end up being an exclusive line based on unreleased G2 decos. I mean, they have to put the rest of those G2 Stunticons somewhere now that they cancelled the Velocitron line. But I guess Toxitron isn't actually G2 and is an unreleased Universe deco but it's a G2 mold and as long as the box says "G2 Universe", it counts.
So the theme is unreleased G2 decos. That's cool. Hopefully pink and green Mirage is next so long as it uses the Siege mold and not the Earthrise mold as that thing sucks.
How have I never seen that deco before. I mean, it's right there on the wiki page but I just never came across it before. I must never have scrolled that far down on Jazz's page. I've also never seen it come up in any unused deco videos or lists before either though. Regardless, I'm glad they used this deco as the actual G2 Jazz leaves a lot to be desired as it's barely any different. I guess it could be worse though as at least it's not as bad as G2 Inferno.
Though I'm kind of mad now as I just purchased another Knockout in order to turn it into Zoom Zoom but this would've worked well enough for that too. Probably moreso. I'll figure something out as using either would require some paint stripping and parts swapping along with some paint work anyway.
It's also pretty interesting that it comes with what looks like the weapons for the supposed Buzzworthy Studio Series 86 Hound. People think that's been cancelled and this doesn't help matters. I don't think I've ever seen weapons used on other figures like this before when they're not retools or weapons that are clearly on another mold that can easily be given to something else like the sword and axe from the Laser Prime mold or the Energon Omnicon and Terrorcon weapons. I mean, you'd think those weapons would be on one of the new parts molds that turn Siege Hound into G1 Hound. So how did they end up being done in Jazz's colors and given to him? They'd need to be on their own mold which would be odd. Or gated off at least but that would be weird too to use just that small section of one mold for an unrelated mold.
Cloudcover looks good. I don't don't know what I imagined that deco being named after all this time but it wasn't Cloudcover. Hydrostorm maybe to go along with Sandstrom? Just not Cloudcover. Then again, it's supposed to be a sky based camouflage deco so the name fits I guess. I get that Sandstorm and Cloudcover originally used the Ramjet mold for their prototypes but would it have killed them to use Dirge for one and Thrust for the other since G2 Ramjet already uses the Ramjet mold. This way each version of the mold could have been used for G2 characters after you use the basic Seeker version for G2 Blackout. It's not like they're in a rush to make Nacelle which would use the Thrust mold if you go by Funpub. It should be the Siege Seeker mold though if you go by Hotlink. They also don't seem to be in a rush to make either of those other two unnamed Conehead seeker prototypes from that catalog shot with Nacelle so far. I mean sure they're just Starscream with Ramjet's wings in red and Skywarp with Dirge's wings in red but Nacelle ended up with his own color scheme instead of just Thundercracker with Thrust's wings in red and white so why not the other two as well.
No pics of Grimlock? I wonder if Fansproject knew this was the G2 deco coming out when they decided to use the same deco for their upcoming release? We only knew the listing said "G2" and since Grimlock technically has like four different G2 decos, it could've been any of them...except the first which was just the G1 colors with the G2 Autobot tampos on the leg. It could've been the blue deco or the teal deco other than the unreleased yellow tiger striped deco.
Toxitron looks good. It would make me mad as I already did a custom Toxitron but it doesn't. It's just that my custom is using Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime and not Laser Prime so there's quite a difference between them. It is always nice to get real figures though. Customs don't always work. Not that my paint work was bad or anything or that it's not transformable without much, if any, damage to the paint mind you. It's more of a tactile thing. Plastic feels better to hold than a fully painted figure sometimes. At least when it's not factory applied paint.