The Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream LIVE news event begins May 16th at 11:00am ET / 8:00am PT! We we are covering all the reveals with updates and more as it happens. Watch the YouTube stream as when it goes live below. We will be posting the notes on each of the products revealed as well as official images and any preorder links that should go up at 1pm ET / 10 am PT today at the following sponsor links:
[+] Miner Megatron & Senator Ratbat Rise of Tyranny 2-Pack
[+] Senator Shockwave & Data Clerk Orion Pax Humble Origins 2-Pack
Get ready to #RollOut for the next #TransformersTuesday Fanstream coming in hot! Join BMac, Evan and special guest host @Sixo as they dive into the latest Transformers X Robosen auto-converting Optimus Prime robot, new Transformers Generations reveals, and some other goodies for our favorite Autobots and Decepticons out there! Don't miss out!
+ Europe Exclusive
+ Three different styles
+ The elite is smaller
+ More refined in design elements
+ Same figure but more compact otherwise
+ Preorders ar open now
+ Video promo shown
+ Foil box
Core Class Yellow Bumblebee
+ Has battle mask head
86 Brawn Deluxe
+ G1 Colors Accurate
+ Has blaster
+ Can mimic Minibot robot mode
+ 2023 release
Gamer Edition Cliffjumper Deluxe
+ Has new head
+ Had sword weapon
Gamer Edition Megatron Voyager
+ Based on game design
+ Has big mace weapon
+ Uses Megatron colors
+ Includes arm swapping feature
Rise Of The Beasts Rhinox Voyager
+ Movie character
+ Colors change during development
+ War hammer weapon
Rise Of The Beasts Optimus Prime Voyager
+ Bumblebee carryover design
+ Partial of SS-38
Miner Megatron & Senator Ratbat Rise of Tyranny 2-Pack
+ Based on IDW Comics designs
+ Amazon Exclusive capsule program
+ Megatron is Siege Voyager Megatron Partial
+ Ratbat from Studio Series 86 Voyager Scourge Partial
+ Shipping in August 2023
+ Preorders open today
Senator Shockwave & Orion Pax Humble Origins 2-Pack
+ Based on IDW Comics designs
+ Amazon Exclusive capsule program
+ Orion Pax is Siege Deluxe Hound partial
+ Shockwave is Siege Voyager Tetrajet partial
+ Orion Pax has more classic IDW design
+ Shockwave deco theme from comics
+ Shipping in July 2023
+ Preorders open today
+ Core Class Snarl
+ Deluxe Bombshell
+ Deluxe RID Strongarm
+ Deluxe G1 Derutus
+ Deluxe Shadowstriker
+ Voyager Bludgeon
+ Voyager Junkion Trashmaster
+ Leader Prime Universe Dreadwing
Transformers Fanstream May 16 Is Done! Stay tuned for more updates with official images and any preorder links soon.