Just out on the official SNS is news of the Kuri Shattered Glass IDW Megatron Reveal from Flame Toys Kuro Kara Transformers series. This years convention exclusive will be offered at various events in limited quantities from the 1,200 editions. D4toys will have about 200 pieces for ordering online. Stay tuned for updates soon. See the official update followed by the image of Shattered Glass IDW Megatron.
It is 1,200pcs limited in world wide !!
The 1st launch 200pcs limited will be in ACG HK from 28th July, 2023 - 1st August, 2023. Next will be sold in WF SH in limited 200pcs, WF Beijing in limited 200pcs, US in limited 200pcs, Japan in limited 200pcs & D4toys.com in limited 200pcs.
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