Another official update from Takara TOMY on their Transformers Missing Link series. They have answered the question we have all been wondering about with the label (seal) sticker sheets for these new releases. These look mostly the same as the originals, shown below for reference, with the addition of the new license plates. They have posted image(s) of the for both the C-01 & C-02 Convoy Sticker Sheets that you can see with the translated Takara update that follows.
Introducing the charm of the new series Missing Link!
Some stickers are bonus stickers with no specified position. You can enjoy the difference from the three-dimensional mecha.
※ Photos and illustrations may differ from the actual product.
I agree with you about the prices... * reaches for wallet * But... I think I'm going to buy this anyway.
Hot Rod and Rodimus Prime please!!
No thanks. Especially for those prices. If they were half the price and this was about 22 years ago then maybe.
And I don't understand the love this is seemingly getting. A very vocal and rather large part of the fanbase scoffed at this idea bout 17 years ago. They hated the thought of "G1 with articulation". Now it's here and people love it? I bet it's the same people who claim they love the G1 reissues and then never buy them.
This is a waste. It's targeting a niche of a niche of a niche. About a tenth or less of what they expect to sell will actually sell and the rest will go on steep clearance. They'll push out the first four or five figures they worked on and the rest will be cancelled. I'll be very surprised if this isn't how it goes. I'm one to be negative in hopes that the opposite will happen but I really think that this sucks and will ultimately bomb just like what happened to that one third party company that did every color of G1 Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Hubcap and Bumper as "G1 with articulation".
This time, effort and materials should be going to more Takara Generations Selects redecos and retools. And to do a Masterpiece Airazor already. Maybe some Premium Edition decos that weren't outdone by the store exclusives that also weren't sold for an extra premium price. I do admit though that PE Siege Ultra Magnus and PE Siege Starscream look real good in hand. I think more highly of them though as I paid like half price for each. If I paid full price like I was going to do for UM then I would've been salty. That grey on Ultra Magnus' cab was worth the price as just using him as another character entirely.