The Transformers Animated series produced so much product, we could do a whole week, or few of Just Prime toys. For now, I've got a look at a Prime choice in the 2010 Takara Transformers Animated Japan TA-38 Wingblade Optimus Prime set. Hasbro showed plans for the Wingblade version based on the Battle Begins Optimus Prime deluxe class at SDCC 2009, but the series was cancelled before it came to market.
Fortunately, it wasnt long after that Takara delivered a retail release in 2010 based on the Voyager class figure. Not only did the TA-38 Wingblade Optimus Prime scale the figure up. They suped it up with a clear crystal and metallic painted figure. The addition of the jet wings, forearms, shoulder missiles, and Magnus Hammer made this a truly supersonic set. Considering all the variants made for Animated. I hope Hastak look at this as a leader class release candidate for United or Generation Selects one day. Though I would prefer the Fire Truck, if I had to choose.
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