Another retailer solicitation is out for the October reveals that will include the BWVS-08 Ghost Starscream VS Waspnator Showdown set with premium editions of the original WFC Kingdom molds. The latest 2-pack is scheduled for March 2024 for a price of 9,000 yen / $60 USD. Stay tuned for the full updates on October 6th when Takara TOMY announce this and many other new products.
ANOTHER Takara Waspinator? Uh...okay? It looks to have the same paint applications. The translucent plastic seems to be a darker shade though and is more purple to the blue of the previous release. It's difficult to make anything else out though.
Well I skipped all the Takara releases except for Inferno and Airazor so I won't be triple dipping on Waspinators by picking this up.
The only things holding me back are the fact that I don't really love that Waspinator mold and well, I don't go for Ghost Starscreams. I have two but only because they came with other figures being the UW Ghost Starscream that came with Grand Galvatron and the Headmaster Ghost Starscream that came with Blitzwing. I don't actually like that Seeker mold either,
All that said though, I do actually kind of want that Starscream though. So while I won't be triple dipping on Waspinator, I will be for Starscream. I'll most likely forget about this though and not get it. Maybe when I notice it on clearance like Tenseg Optimus Prime, Premium Finish Ultra Magnus and Premium Finish Starscream.
I hope there is a difference between this Waspinator and the one that comes with BWVS-03 Cheetor vs Waspinator.
Now that's a good exclusive set, not everyone wants that. This is fine.