Leave it to the fans to follow the timelines into the dawn of future’s past that we may see one day from Transformers Legacy United Animated Optimus Prime mold. How soon we forget the creative use of that Voyager mold over the years. About a dozen were made between Hasbro and Takara for various retail releases and exclusives.
As if Hasbro needs any incentive, thanks to @LimKhaiShien, @elusorymonk, and @蓝色正午, here is the rainbow of Optimus Prime flavors done as digibashes (left to right):
• Cartoon
• Elite Guard
• Motormaster
• Nemesis
• Nightwatch
• Shattered Glass
• Star Convoy
• Thunderclash
• Toxitron
Funny enough, a few never produced in the Animated mold were presumably bashed for wishful thinking. I never thought about it much, but the Animated figures covered all the Prime Collector bases, and even added some with the Elite Guard and Toxitron that first appeared in this mold. Obviously, with the Cartoon version not landing until February 2024, there is little chance we will see these other colors any time soon, but we never know when Hasbro will surprise us with a Generations Selects release or Takara TOMY will drop an exclusive, so I am anticipating some of these sooner or later.
1 hour ago, BaCon said:Ha! Too true, and everyone pretends the original toys are long gone when they are still available. I'd be willing to bet lots of fans end up going back and getting the old ones to go with the new. That's the joy of collecting. The whining is more about getting attention than being a fan.
But yeah, they already found things to "complain" about. The shins are sculpted weird. There's six wheels instead of four. The wheels look bad...which is a fair complaint. There's no battle mask and they should've either had two heads or a gimmick to put it on and off. The rear of the truck look weird. The axe is too small...even though it looks pretty accurate to me and it's supposed to be a firefighter's axe and not a fantasy battleaxe like the one with the old voyager figure. The axe doesn't fold out to a double axe. Other than maybe the wheels, none of these really help anything.
Complaining about Legacy United Animated Bumblebee's weird shoulder assembly is one thing as that is ugly looking, breaks immersion by breaking the sculpt and limits articulation. The wheels on Optimus do look cheap but overall, it's such a minor thing. The rest of the things though are just trivial. Would the battle mask be cool? Sure would. However it's such a non-issue. The rear of the truck looks weird? Has anyone actually seen that area of a truck? They all look weird. If anything, I think the filled in ones like G1 Optimus are the ones that look weird. The original AoE Galvatron mold had a pretty realistic looking truck mode but everyone seemed to complain about the rear of that truck not being filled in. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to look like bare frame and axles with a hitch. It's designed for utility, not aesthetics.
But yeah, the original toys still exist. Just go get them if you want everything to look exactly like they did.
I'm way past the point in my collecting that would limit me to having just one version of each character or mold or whatever. If I want things like the original then I'll get the original. If I like a mold still even though a "better" version came out then I can keep both/all. I just went back to get Henkei Ironhide because I did like the mold for the most part. I got the Henkei so that the paint didn't smear like my Universe version did back in the day. I modded it to make the head less droopy. Now he'll stand there with Botcon Ironhide, CW Ironhide, Siege Ironhide, Kingdom Ironhide and SS86 Ironhide...both of them. I have them all and won't be getting rid of any of them.
However there are some cases when I don't want the other versions. The new Beast Wars molds are so good that I'm getting rid of the originals. As much as I like BW Inferno, that's one that I don't feel I need anymore now having the Legacy version with the BWA version preordered. Same for pretty much all the ones we've gotten so far. I'll probably keep Tigerhawk though. I'm keeping Airazor as I love Airazor since that toy got me back into Transformers. But Dinobot can go. Waspinator, Primal, Megatron, Cheetor, Rattrap, Blackarachnia and so on can all go too.
I bet that somehow the people on that other site will still find something to complain about this with this.
Bulkhead was too much like Animated and not enough like Prime like it says on the box. Even then it's still not enough like either and might as well not even exist.
Prowl's face isn't long and skinny. Neither are his thighs.
Arcee...well I'll give people that one. I like it but I see the flaws there as they are a problem. This was overdesigned in some places and underdesigned in others.
Bumblebee's feet are now his heels and the pelvis is too narrow even though it's accurate and the head is wrong as it's TOO much like Animated. And also the shoulders are weird...which they are.
It seems only the Armada and Cybertron boys managed to escape the scrutiny for the most part so far other than not coming with Minicons. Except for GUOP who's not meant to be Cybertron Optimus outright and Cybertron Defense Hot Shot which seems to have been the test for all of this now. It remains to be seen how well Cybertron Starscream, Hot Shot and Vector Prime go as well as any others I'm forgetting right now.
As it is, this looks amazing. It even does the thing with the wheels on the legs. I really like the axe too. So many of the previous Animated Optimus axes didn't look right. But this looks pretty good. It's the right size and comes with the full extended handle. A handle that looks to have multiple grip points which is nice. I hate when they mold only one grip point on handles that long.