HasLab Deathsaurus is almost ready to start shipping. Hasbro designer Evan Brooks @naveskoorb is warming things up with a look at the Victory Saber VS Deathsaurus crowdfunded projects compared! Those who have been wondering how they would pair-up can see this is a pretty even match between the Victory factions. Read on to see Evan's update with images that follow for the full comparison views.
Just a quick follow up since Pulse has been trickling out emails about getting ready to ship Deathsaurus!
(Please make sure your address is correct!)
@bmacatron84 and myself did an unboxing for Pulse that is now on Youtube so be sure to check it out if you missed it!
Just wanted to share some straight forward size comparisons between Deathsaurus and Victory Saber so you all can begin to prep your shelves.
Obviously, other photos of him and all his included accessories have already made it out there for your viewing pleasure and these photos are just for height reference.
Thanks again for all the support in backing/funding The Emperor of Destruction!
Happy Holidays,
Really wishing for a Masterpiece version.
Wow that is beautiful.
The proportions are very well done. The parts look like they should and nothing looks too big or too small unlike some other figures that look like Deathsaurus...and Doubledealer. Can't wait to get mine. Couldn't care less about the throne though but hey, it's technically free.
The only thing I could complain about is that the Mega Ultra Chicken head and neck doesn't hide away into the chest. Which obviously couldn't happen and it still be a Breastmaster. That little bit of kibble is the only real complaint but without some odd feat of engineering to move it to the insides of the lower legs, it has to just go on the back like that to retain the gimmick. But looking at it again, it wouldn't be that crazy to pull off and something like that would be perfect for a Haslab where budget shouldn't be a constraint. Oh well.