Hasbro's Studio Series deisgner Sam Smith @king_samlock has a new From Screen To Feature for the Stusio Series Core Class Mohawk. The Last Knight movie character gets his moment with cool hair and a motorcycle mode you don't want to run into. Read the full behind the scenes report from Sam about this little devil with images below.
Been a bit behind on knocking these BTS posts out for you all, so trying my best to put a post out each month. For the first time ever in his character debut, we finally have a Mohawk figure! Despite how little screen time this character had in the film along with many of the other newly introduced Decepticons, Mohawk made a lasting impression. I personally didn’t love the “2016 Suicide Squad” approach to introducing these characters, but I was a huge fan of this design for the film. Mohawks robot mode reminds me of a Guillermo del Toro tooth fairy and having him transform into a motorcycle gave me that much more appreciation for the design. Sadly Mohawk sees a quick end as disposable Deception fodder which likely resulted in him not receiving an initial figure release alongside of the film.
Having the core scale gave us a perfect format to release this figure in studio series. His skeletal robot mode led to some interesting challenges in developing a transformation. But despite not having much of the alt mode details present on the robot mode, we were able to design a pretty faithful robot that transforms into a successful alt mode that is inspired by the screen used bike. I partnered with Koki Yamada at TT who has done such an incredible job with these core class cycle bots in the past, and he did not disappoint with this one.
Feature wise, we chose to accessorize Mohawk with his concept art knife. Mohawk appears to be a blade-smith, and his robot mode is outfitted in a variety of cutlery, forks and spoons. I’m honestly surprised his alt mode wasn’t a silverware drawer. Mohawk’s presence on screen was indeed a “merc with a mouth”, so jaw articulation to show off his Decepticon insignia braces was critical for this character, along with equipping him with a removable head that was blast effect compatible for recreating his encounter with Bumblebee.
I'll pick up Scrapheap, but also that Rumble is super-cute. He kind of looks like a mini Bruticus. I'll definitely make room for him on one of my shelves.
On 10/28/2023 at 1:27 PM, Decepticats said:While some like what Hasbro has been showing lately, I'm going to have to thank them for helping me save a lot of money in 2024.
On 10/29/2023 at 10:20 AM, BaCon said:Now you know why I only collect Optimus Prime. ?
Cyberverse, Bot Bots, Earthspark, and ROTB have made it easy to not care about stuff I don't want.
I may pick up a ScapHeap & WheelJack...? WheelJack just look semi cool an movie accurate an Scrapheap I'm definitely going to try an complete or should I say "continue" my 1986 Transformers the Movie collection! But come on now... Rumble has to be a cassette tape that I can have pop out of Soundwave "or Blaster or hell even Perceptor"?? If he's not a cassette then what's the point.lol
These are a solid pass for me. I'm annoyed that Hasbro isn't branching out in the direction of more obscure tf's like Windsweeper, Guzzle and so on. Apart from a custom, it's impossible to find some of these characters.
8 hours ago, ARHaslage said:Same here.
Yeah, you know, I used to be an automatic buy for almost everything Hasbro put out there. I know people like all the other lines out there, but I'm a solid BW and G1/G2 person. I still have holes in my collection of characters I'd like better updates of, like how Hasbro has given us deluxe sized minibots, only to not finish them has made me look at third party to fill my new chug scale. I think Hasbro may regret filling the lines with so many other tf lines other than what their paying customers want. I also think I'm only interested in 8 to 12 from 2024 lineup. This could be a bad financial decision by Hasbro that could damage the company.
3 hours ago, Decepticats said:While some like what Hasbro has been showing lately, I'm going to have to thank them for helping me save a lot of money in 2024.
Same here. Based on leaks, between the mainline and Studio Series, I may be buying only 12 figures this year.
While some like what Hasbro has been showing lately, I'm going to have to thank them for helping me save a lot of money in 2024.