It appears the Knockout VS Breakdown mystery will be explained in a coming Doom n’ Destruction behind the scenes that @markclonus is teasing about. We'll have to wait and see what this is all about. As Mark says, you can still get these Amazon exclusives at the following sponsored link for the Breakdown & Windsweeper 2-Pack
The Decepticons have been gathering their forces in the Legacy multiverse, the Doom n’ Destruction will most certainly be absolute attack mayhem, make sure you pop onto Amazon to preorder these squad packs! More in depth posts soon!
So uh...that certainly doesn't look like Knockout.
Breakdown from Bulkhead..........I'm not really sure how I feel about that. The Wrecker hammer makes sense now though as it was designed like Breakdown's hammer. And now here is a Breakdown utilizing it. It's just that this mold is even less Breakdown than it was Bulkhead. There's not many other options available though. Given Breakdown's fate, maybe Trashmaster would've been more appropriate. But really, that's the only other mold they could've even tried using for this.
So Windsweeper does come with the Targetmasters. That's a shame. I was hoping for some cool new guns or something. Maybe even if they put yet another set of Minerva's guns in or something. Like maybe put a set of the same guns in this box then the other two of the same can be in the other. It would've been even better had they decoed these to match Spinister like I theorized back when the Mayhem Attack Squad was first leaked to be getting new figures.
Poor Ransack only got a new head yet here's Barrage and Chopshop with more than just new heads. They also got new "beast mode heads", to simplify the wording, as well as new beast mode legs. Barrage even got a new transformation even if it is just a Universe 2.0 Sideswipe/Sunstreaker thing. At least he gains butterfly joints as a result though. So I really think Venom will be using Kickback now and just have new legs to go with the new head/s. It's not like all these Insecticons even have six legs as it is so it wouldn't be out of place for Venom not to have six legs either. Bombshell and Barrage don't have six legs. Shrapnel has either four or six depending on what you count while Chopshop has six or eight depending on what you count. If you count six legs for Shrapnel then that means Chopshop has eight. I guess Barrage has six legs but he can't utilize that other pair of legs as legs though which is why they're being used to bulk up the gun instead. But it's not as though Kickback's new Venom legs couldn't have another set of little legs on them so he has the full six though. Only time will tell as I'm just doing my usual rambling.
This being Breakdown instead of Knockout makes me wonder about the Bludgeon listing now. Or even the leader Thundertron listing for the Star Seekers. I was thinking about that the other day if it was just a Thundertron colored Tigerhawk. Wouldn't that just be toy colors Tigerhawk though? lol White and blue instead of white, brown and purple.
Again, only time will tell.
Oh and while it's nice to see Smashdown finally get another use, I don't think this was the place for it.
And damn did that Insecticon set sell out fast. Didn't even have a chance. Got the email at 1:08, read it and went to Pulse at 1:17 and it was already sold out. I had a chance at the other set at that point but I figured since I had to wait on Amazon for the one set, might as well get both there.
Jackie! One more thing.
I read the listing for them on Pulse (and here) and it's claiming that those Double Targetmasters have arm and leg articulation. Someone better change that or someone's going to try and cause a stink about it. You know someone will. It's low hanging fruit.