Arguably, the last Transformers G1 Optimus Prime toy to be made. The 1997 Machine Wars line was a collection of Hasbro's late G1 European characters, recolored and renamed for a KB Toys Exclusive line. The very G1 Optimus Prime, made from the G1 Thunder Clash mold, also manages to squeeze in the G2 Laser box art with a new chest pasted over it, as seen on the Bio card.
All said, this figure has a rather cool looking vehicle and base mode. Unfortunately, Hasbro didn't do anything about the very simple robot mode for the USA release. The only change made was to replace the short missiles to longer, harder to swallow, projectiles.
A great toy of the period.. I recently got ahold of one of these, and I love it, the simplicity and the complexity of the mold is terrific!