@NOTRAB is surfing the Tidal Wave with even more new in-hand views of new Transformers products. He's got the Armada Universe Titan Class figure out of the box with some shots of the massive set with robot, boat, and base modes. We also get some views of the upgraded Battle Mode Burning Megatron combiner elements.
Hasbro has a weird kink for boob canons, but this time I am here for it!
I love it! Not sure what some are complaining about. Can't wait for more Armada characters.
You know, it's almost as if Hasbro, a toy company, has gotten so wrapped up in a postmodern cult ideology, they've forgotten how to give the fans what they want, which is the only reason they exist. Stay in your lane! If I want to be told how much I suck, I'll go to church, but until then, worry more about running your business instead of running your business into the ground at the behest of the Davos crowd.
So that's it? Tidal Wave? It's great and all but I've been waiting a long time for Sureshot and Swoop, and others to be revealed and I'm tired of waiting at this point. Waiting and wondering what's canceled or pushed back. No more, Hasbro!
Okay I thought they made smaller version of all three Dark Fleet pieces. People kept ignoring the backpack when talking about the combining aspect. It was rather visible but nobody seemed to see it and thought that it was only new shoes along with the arm pieces.
Anyway though, the fact that they made what is essentially a mini Tidal Wave but DOESN'T have the combined vehicle mode or a robot mode is an absolute travesty. It's TIDAL WAVE. There's not much going on there that they couldn't easily make those pieces a full figure by taking like a quarter inch off the overall height of the main figure. Those guys were talking about this figure as if it was a difficult feat of engineering or something. All they did was upsize the original and add a few pieces of articulation. Then had extra flaps for the base mode and for the storage of the combination components.
If DNA doesn't make a replacement for those pieces for it to be a min Tidal Wave, they'll really be dropping the ball. Other than Ramjet, that's all this could possibly need.