The reveal of 86 Swoop no April Fools trick as Hasbro designer Evan Brooks @naveskoorb breaks out the concept design notes and images for the big reveal from Wondercon 2024. He's giving us the behind the scenes look at the long awaited final member of the 1986 Movie Dinobots team.
This figure will be going up for preorder this week on Thursday, April 4th, 2024. Read on to see Evan's notes and details on working with Takara TOMY's designer Hasui san, to make the robot flying lizard happen in the notes and images that follow.
Hope you all enjoyed the reveals @bmacatron84 took you all through at Wondercon for Studio Series.
While it will be a minute before the official photos get out there, I thought it would be a good idea to snap a few and walk you through the design for LDR Swoop! The final LDR Dinobot to complete the team. Thanks for waiting!
As with all the other Dinobots, this figure comes to you from the ever hardworking Hasui san.
You can see that no corner was left untouched with his masterful sketches.
Swoop comes with his 2 signature Rocket Launchers, his toy Thermal Sword and Grimlock's toy Energo Sword. Design and Colors follow the animation appearance with the Blue chest that we rarely seem to get with Swoop toys.
He is flight stand compatible so you can re-create the amazing scenes from his introductory episode where he somehow punches Grimlock with his robot mode arms even though he's in Dino mode.
He can of course also stand upright so you can make sure to tell him all the good parts of the story.
His Rocket launchers are 5mm port compatible so you can use blast effects to re-create him firing his missiles at Unicron. His Dino Mouth (like 3 of the other Dinobots and Snarl's Tail) has a 3mm port inside so you can use the Jetfire Blast effects to re-create him breathing fire.
I hope you all get a chance to enjoy him and finish your Dinobot team.
I know some of you are still missing a few of these guys (Grimlock) and all I can say is we are aware and we're going to get him back out there as soon as we can.
Thanks for all the support and be on the look out for more TF goodness for the 40th anniversary!
He's definately the least impressive of the dinobots. He's seems a bit blocky for my taste, perhaps a narrower waist would have helped.
Swoop looks great, I just don't know if he constitutes a Leader class price.
Swoop looks spot on