News out of CinemaCon 2024 reports that Paramount is giving the green light to the long talked about Transformers X G.I. Joe Crossover Movie. Deadline is reporting Steven Spielberg is the Exclutive producer, with Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Micheal Bay as Producers. This has some Hollywood heavies behind it who want to take it BIG, for better or worse. No director has been named at this time.
Yes!!! I am so excited!!! I have been waiting for something like this for so long!!!
Thanks Hasbro for letting Image make describing things within your franchises even more confusing. Not that you don't do that yourselves.
RiD 2001 aka Car Robots.
Prime Robots in Disguise aka PRID.
RiD 2015.
Robots in disguise in general as it was also a comic.
Transformers Energon.
Transformers Energon Universe.
Transformers Universe in general.
War for Cybertron the game and the short lived toyline.
War for Cybertron the three part line plus the extra sub lines revolving it.
Studio Series Gamer's edition War for Cybertron.
Just plain Transformers Cybertron.
Sometimes even War Within.
The Transformers: The Movie from 1986.
The Transformers, a movie from 2007.
Revenge of the Fallen. ROTF.
Rise of the Beasts. ROTB.
Someone here seems to keep typing out F instead of B lately when using the acronyms?.
Until I finished reading the headline and clicked into this article, I thought we were getting a toy of Energon Universe Jetfire before Armada Universe Jetfire. Yes I know it said Skyfire but I read that as Jetfire. My head automatically translates it as such. But also because in Superlink aka Energon, his name is actually Skyfire instead of Jetfire.
Shit be confusing lately. I hate trying to look things up on Ebay and not getting what I looked for due to it lol.