Skybound returns to San Diego for the 2024 Comic-Con International with their annula lineup of Transformers panels and events featuring Skybound creators and executives, exclusive reveals, giveaways, and launches, as well as in-person fan experiences.
This year's SDCC 2024 Exclusive comics include the TRANSFORMERS #10 and Void Rivals #11 connecting covers convention editions by artist Ryan Barry. The following Transformers comics panels and events will be going on at SDCC 2024:
Daniel Warren Johnson (TRANSFORMERS) Signing
1:30pm – 2:30pm PDT
Image Comics Booth #1915
eBay Live with Ryan Barry
1:30pm PDT
• TRANSFORMERS #10 & Void Rivals #11 Convention Editions (Connecting Covers) by Ryan Barry
• Distribution of these books will be split between the Big Clutch booth (#1101), eBay Live and eBay Pop-Up Studio Pick-up (Located at the Sparks Gallery 530 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101
Image Comics: Artists Unleashed with Skottie Young, Daniel Warren Johnson, and Derek Kirk Kim
11:30am - 12:30pm PDT
Room 24ABC
Master storytellers Skottie Young (Ain’t No Grave, I Hate Fairyland), Daniel Warren Johnson (Do A Powerbomb, Transformers), and Derek Kirk Kim (The Last Mermaid) share details about their work as well as their creative process and influences. Moderated by Jim Viscardi (Image Comics).
TRANSFORMERS & G.I. JOE: The Energon Universe Is HERE
4:30pm – 5:30pm PDT
WELCOME TO THE HOTTEST COMICS IN THE WORLD! TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE, and Void Rivals from Skybound have taken over the comic book world and we’ve got the top secret reveals you can’t miss. Superstars Robert Kirkman (Void Rivals), Daniel Warren Johnson (TRANSFORMERS), Joshua Williamson (Duke, Cobra Commander), Tom Reilly (Duke), and Sean Mackiewicz (SVP/Publisher, Skybound) deliver the panel that will have everyone talking!
Skybound Presents: In Conversation with Robert Kirkman
4:15pm – 5:15pm PDT
Room 6A
Join comic book creator, writer, and executive producer Robert Kirkman for a Q&A with fans, discussing the worlds of Invincible, The Walking Dead, and TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE via Skybound and Hasbro’s Energon Universe.
Daniel Warren Johnson (TRANSFORMERS) Signing
12:15pm-1:15pm PDT
Image Comics Booth #1915
This tf-one Megatron looks ridiculous. I just noticed that at my local Walmart, they've recently shrunk the tf shelf space by half, quite alarming, and it makes me wonder if figures like this are the reason why.
Ledblimp, this is why I no longer hope to find anything in the wild. The only way I got Breakdown is from bbts back when it was released.
I love how hasbro completely skipped over G1 Breakdown and is giving us G2 Breakdown. Of course I am being facetious. Has anyone actually been able to find this figure for retail price or even found him at a physical store?
I seriously think Hasbro deserves a class action lawsuit for how they treat their customers.
Ruckus and Bludgeon are up for pre-order on Amazon.
Both Crossover Kup as Triple T and the Knight Rider items are pretty cool. Though I will most likely pass on those due to other Transformers items I'm interested in.
I will say, that I will most likely get that Wal-mart Exclusive G1 Optimus Prime toy in Cartoon Colours(If I ever see it in person that is), though I wish it also at least came with the Matrix. Wouldn't mind the Energon Axe as well, but the Matrix at least.
From what I can tell, the trailer looks like it's a recast of the original trailer, since I think I see the Black Launcher for Roller. Kind of seems a bit weird that they took the time to recast this trailer, instead of using the Missing Link trailer, only to save money. Unless Hasbro and/or Takara already paid to get it the original trailer recast(Since the recent casting was bad back around or before the time Dark Of The Moon came out), and at the time this recasting happened, they hadn't thought about Missing Link yet.
Btw, Empress Megatron, ha, ha, ha. Very funny. I was thinking Erckle Megatron though. Accidentally blasts a whole in his base. "Did I do that?"
One of the most entertaining things about tformers, reading Joe V.'s take on things. I was hoping this Kitt could he a Tailgate/Windcharger, but I think it's too big. I do, however, like your take for a certain omnibot.
Optimus, Jetfire AND the triplets? That's an odd three pack. Or is it a five pack?
Words cannot describe the mild annoyance of having purchased those damn Reactivate two packs only to find out they will indeed be releasing them without the stupid asymmetrical paintwork. While I didn't pay full price for them, it's really obnoxious. I couldn't care less about Bumblebee and Soundwave and Prime I don't think I have any issues with but Starscream looked really bad. That would be the only one I would consider getting in a clean paint scheme but only when it goes on sale as I don't expect these to sell well as there's probably more people angrier than I am about this due to them having paid full price. So expect them to shelfwarm just as much as the two packs did on digital shelves.
I have that concept art rumble and well, it's not good. I liked Ravage though. But now here's Frenzy. I'll get it at some point. It's not that bad all things considered, it's just not good.
Core BB Starscream though looks amazing. I hope they continue with core figures going on as I'd want all the redecos. Maybe as multipacks? Two as a deluxe with a few extras. Three as a voyager with a bunch of extras. It would be a good way to get some extra weapons out there without making full on weapons packs. I could go for some weapons packs if they made them kinda like the weapons from the Omnicons and Terrorcons from Energon.
Are we sure that's Megatron and not Megaempress? Because that Megatron has legs for days. Looking like a fusion between Megatron and Tsareena from Pokemon. But that tank mode is amazing looking.
WFC/FoC Ratchet looks incredible. Yes please. Even the weapon arm integration looks really good this time on this one.
Kup looks like one of the cleanest GI Joe Transformers yet. Shame they didn't try to do something with those tread pieces on the back. LIke turn them into a flight pack or something. Can't wait to get that on sale like the rest of them. Maybe if there was an option to not have the figures with them more people would buy them at full price. I loveD GI Joes. As in past tense. I'm not into them anymore. So this is just a Transformer for me and I don't want to pay for the two figures with it. Even for Baroness, Zartan and Sgt. Slaughter. I'm kinda glad that they're waiting on doing Optimus because they're getting better at this. Shame about Megatron though. Just needed a little more design knowledge to shrink that backpack down a bit more. Should've handed the design process to Takara.
Already spoke about the Legacy figures and Dinoking. New to the list is that rumored repack of Origins Bumblebee though. Is it weird that I still want to see that mold retooled into Cosmos if only to be used for a new Pathfinder that looks more like her original look. It should still be different enough from the original design to keep Bandai lawyers away. She'd go great with Crasher at that point.
So uh that Kitt. I know it's a new mold but I can't help but think I've seen it somewhere before. I mean sure it looks like Prowl but damn does that thing look almost exactly like Universe 2.0 Prowl twisted at the waist to be more specific. Maybe this will be the basis for that rumored SS86 Prowl? But at the same time, the lower legs look almost exactly like Siege Sideswipe's. It's like it took the top from Prowl and the bottom from Sideswipe. Kind like this idea I've had in my head for a while now. Where similarly sized figures use the same inner framework and then change out things needed to make the different alt modes (Prowl, Jazz, Skids and Hound or Sideswipe and Mirage or Wheeljack, Tracks and Sunstreaker for instance as they all pretty much transform the same way). That way you can mix and match certain aspects to make new figures. This combination in particular was what I was thinking for a new Overdrive. Prowl top with Sideswipe bottom. But then again, most of us thought Autobot JP-93 was going to be the base for Skids and that didn't happen. So maybe this is just a one off design and won't be used in the mainline despite what it looks like. I mean, Code Red was its own design too despite people swearing that it was a Siege Ironhide retool. I didn't see it but others wouldn't shut up about it pointing out details that 100% confirmed that it wasn't Siege Ironhide saying that it was.
22 hours ago, psxndc said:Sorry, Im new and dumb. Whos the other bot in this pic:
No worries! That is Orion Pax from the Transformers Legacy Evolution Humble Origins 2-Pack. ?
Sorry, Im new and dumb. Whos the other bot in this pic:
Sold. Done, they fixed everything wrong with the original mold!
It keeps the best, and fixes the rest! (I would love it if it had the ax, but I can always use my other axes)
So that's what they were hinting at in one of those fanstreams. The larger Orion Pax was going to be a retool of SS GE WFC Optimus. I guess that makes more sense than a new mold. It looks decent enough in any event. I just thing that mold is super overrated. It's objectively worse than the deluxe from way back when in every way other than shear bulk.
And I guess THAT'S the absolute last use of that Siege Megatron base mold. I mean, it has to be right? Takara has their clean Earthrise release and now Hasbro has their gladiator Megatron. At least it's the miner retool which is closer to the Siege base mold as that's so much better than the Earthrise retool Takara used. Still don't know how they messed up a great figure and turned it to shit like they did for the Earthrise retool. That takes some skill to do but they did it again for the Crankcase retool from Skids. Skids is great, Crankcase is horrible.
The new parts look good. Pax has some crazy stuff going on in the rear of the vehicle now. That's a lot of new parts. The other new parts look good too. Still a shame it's the voyager WFC mold. Megatron has a new sword and a new hammer top for his pickaxe. Shame there's no spike ball to pretend to be his flail. Then we'd have to give Pax an maybe the one from the recent deluxe Pax. And like all third party upgrades have shown, trying to turn that GE arm cannon into an actual gun looks goofy as hell. But it's nice they tried.
I drilled 5mm holes in the circles in the bottom of the feet of V WFC Prime. Then I gave him the gun from FoC Prime. Two actually and the sword from Magnus as I have a ton of extra of these. The guns look pretty good in vehicle mode. Not as good as they did on FoC Prime but still good. They can still be held by the correct peg for robot mode too as the V WFC Prime's hands aren't too big to fit.
I was going to say something about the price but then I seen how much is added to Pax. But then I remembered that that Megatron mold has been used like 1348957283645234 times now and should cost about the same as a core class to use at this point which should've dropped the price a bit instead of it being raised from the price of two voyagers. I also wish Hasbro gave the Transformers brand those discounted price troopbuilder sets instead of releasing them at standard retail. SS Scorponok, SS Sweeps, SS Freezer, SS GE Decepticon Soldier even then -izers, Junkions and Infernacians? and so on. Give people a reason to get multiples right off the bat instead of waiting for them to drop to discount. I mean, without putting them in a four pack like they did with the Buzzworthy troopbuilder set. I didn't want multiples of that particular Seeker but the other three were great to get multiples of. I would rather have seen the Seekers in their own set with three or four different color versions in the box made from all four wing variants. This way the Dirge and Thrust molds can finally get some love as it's Ramjet that gets all the redecos. A discounted Insecticon clone set would be great too. Maybe as Salvo, Shothole and Zaptrap instead of straight reissues of Kickback, Shrapnel and Bombshell.