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United Core Class Geocron In-Hand Images from Transformers Legacy

@NOTRAB rocks out with a new in-hand look at the soon to be released Transformers Legacy United Animated Motormaster. Another Rocklord joins the Transformers from the Infernac Universe.

5 Images - Click to Enlarge

Image Of United Core Energon Geocron In Hand From Transformers Legacy  (1 of 5)

Image Of United Core Energon Geocron In Hand From Transformers Legacy  (2 of 5)

Image Of United Core Energon Geocron In Hand From Transformers Legacy  (3 of 5)

Image Of United Core Energon Geocron In Hand From Transformers Legacy  (4 of 5)

Image Of United Core Energon Geocron In Hand From Transformers Legacy  (5 of 5)

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Decepticats 2024-06-17 @ 2:32 pm

The last year or so of releases, capped off by this Soundwave, has convinced me that Hasbro is in worse financial shape than we believe. I mean, not to even have new tapes for Soundwave is pathetic. I have to agree with many that this Siege SW mold could of and should have been given a redo ss86 style. Unfortunately, this is just diminishing the ss86 good will that fans had come to expect from a slightly more premium line. Hasbro is dei-ying. ? 

LedBlimp 2024-06-14 @ 9:15 pm
10 hours ago, optimusmickey2 said:

He's a Voyager.

The article clearly says Leader Class.  They packed in 3 core class figure so they could charge you $55 for a Voyager while making you pay for a set of core class figures you probably already have.  I've had enough of this crap from Hasbro.  They clearly don't respect their dedicated customers and fans.

optimusmickey2 2024-06-14 @ 11:07 am

He's a Voyager.

13 minutes ago, LedBlimp said:

They waited to long to rerelease this and the mold didn't age well.  We're well beyond the days of Siege with overly detailed surfaces and now are in the phase of esthetics being defined as "less is more" shown by the Legacy Stunticons and the studio 86 series.  At a leader class price point, I'm not certain I would want to spend that money on figure that no longer would have a prime location in my collection.

LedBlimp 2024-06-14 @ 10:54 am

They waited to long to rerelease this and the mold didn't age well.  We're well beyond the days of Siege with overly detailed surfaces and now are in the phase of esthetics being defined as "less is more" shown by the Legacy Stunticons and the studio 86 series.  At a leader class price point, I'm not certain I would want to spend that money on figure that no longer would have a prime location in my collection.

PTO collection 2024-06-12 @ 3:01 am

Will she ever get a Masterpiece version?

Decepticats 2024-06-11 @ 12:35 pm

Sureshot, anyone?

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