Making the rounds on the SNS is a very interesting new project that is said to be a bootleg version of the RX-78-2 Gundam model kit in Optimus Prime colors. There is no word of when, where, or how much these will cost at this time.
These properties have been competing with each other for decades. It would be quite a surprise to see an official collaboration. Leave it to these fans projects to realize something impossible. Sorry, no sacrilege here. Transformers are way cooler, but to have a decent Gundum Optimus in my collection would be just PRIME. Check out the images of the completed model kit and parts thanks to @Plamo Times.
Hmm, I am a Gunpla guy, and a TF guy, so this appeals to me, seems to have multiple optional parts for assembly, I like that, as well as accessories that come standard to most kits. Definitely needs to be painted in some nice metallic colors to really make it pop!