Floating around on the SNS is this image that is said to be the box art for Transformers Age of the Primes Alchemist Prime character.
The image appears to be from a group shot with Prima Prime and Solus Prime. We can see he has two special blade weapons with ancient markings.
We do know there is a deluxe class figure for this character scheduled for Age of the Primes Wave 2 in July 2025. Which just happens to be included in the Thirteen Primes official image.
Check out the images and update from @zmagnusnews until we know more.
After searching and searching in different places I finally found good quality images
In a store they published art for the Transformers Age of the Primes line and they just put one where Prima Prime, Solus Prime and the one that had not been revealed until now outside of the art with all the Primes, Alchemist Prime appear
The design seems to be a combination of different designs of the character, more specifically the one from a guide that I think also appeared in some Comic, it has elements of the Cyberverse one and the colors of the one from the aligned continuity
You can also see it in his... blades? 2 symbols, the one from Alchemist Prime and the one from Ancient Robot
Looking better, the design turned out pretty good, my favorite is still the one from Cyberverse but this combination turned out better than I expected, I hope the figure is very good
What do you think?
If we don't get a sticker set and some horns to turn this GS Trypticon into Gigastorm from Toyhax, it would be a bigger waste than Hasbro not just releasing this as Gigastorm with a sticker sheet and some horns so it could be either.
Seriously though, just make some translucent orange horns to replace the translucent orange nose cannon cover. Then have some purple stickers for the central ramp with the silver Predacon sigil, some teal stickers for the spots and some silver and gold highlights for the hips, tail and arms.
But really, how do you redeco/reissue Trypticon and NOT make it Gigastorm? Especially after the overwhelming positive reception for Magmatron. People want some more Japanese Beast Wars love. Gigastorm, Big Convoy, Galvatron, Stampy, Moon, Heinrad, Longrack, Mach Kick. More than just Lio Convoy exists. Skywarp was a fluke as they just didn't want to name it Silverbolt even if Skywarp is a name that's even more known and used than Silverbolt. We have multiple versions of Skywarp and others all the time, we can handle three different versions of Silverbolt a few years apart each.
I can't justify $90 for what looks like an oversized legacy scale figure.
I was excited to hear we are getting Horri-bull and maybe there's still hope for Sureshot, too.