We have another update on the Transformers Studio Series 86 Scrapper figure. These new images show what the new Studio Series Scrapper (left) compares with Combiner Wars Scrapper (right). What we can see are two completely different at different scales. Check out the images below thanks to @icon_of_iacon
How I feel about it ultimately boils down to Devastator. The Combiner Wars Devastator I have can't even hold up it's own blaster! That is some truly pathetic quality control! Will the new version be improved? I've yet to see any evidence to indicate that's something Hasbro is interested in.
Combiner Wars Devestator was plagued by weak combining friction joints and cheap plastic which was a bad combination that resulted in many broken figures. I'm hoping they improved upon this, but upon first sight, it seems that history's repeating itself.
It seems Hasbro is toast. They are moving from there 30,000 Sq foot office in Pawtucket to a 8,000 square foot office in Boston. Their new focus is going to he "digital " over physical toys. This should be interesting to say the least. I feel so bad for John W. but now it all makes sense. I suppose at some point Hasbro will stop making toys altogether and, I don't know, outsource tf's or maybe there just won't be any official tf's made anymore. RIP Hasbro 2024.
Oh good, even more money I can save for things I actually want
SS86 Jazz reissue?
They can't be serious can they?
Now I know why people got fired.
I hope that slide of Jazz brought on boos from whoever was there.
Seriously though, no SS figure needs a reissue less than SS86 Jazz. I'm certain he's still on shelves at Walmart from black Friday last year. I'd rather see some Bumblebee reissues over SS86 Jazz. Or you know, maybe just do standard SS Jazz. I don't have one yet and I wasn't buying the SS Autobot 5 pack just for Jazz. I did need Ironhide too at one point but ended up buying that one KO with the upgrade kit KO already installed. There are just so many other deluxe SS figures that could use a reissue more than SS86 Jazz.
I'm sure Japan is thrilled as they'll be absolutely bombarded by Jazz between the Dramatic Capture set, the Takara release of the Autobot 5-pack and now a reissue of SS86 Jazz all within a few months time. And none of them are any fucking different other than the 5-pack having opaque plastic windows.
Hi pal just to let you and everyone else know. I will be there as the face of transformers. Dan will be there representing Marvel.
Ill be there from the Friday with loads of coverage, I can confirm that there will be new reveals on the Saturday live from 2pm and a special video going live on my channel from 2.20pm.
I will be there with Evan so will also have the opportunity to interview him and again have detailed looks at the new figures both being revealed and what will be on display.
keep your eye on toys are russ YouTube