Behold Star Base Mode! @markclonus said there would be a Part 2 and here we are with more inside scoops on the return of Star Convoy as Age Of The Primes Star Optimus Prime.
Here is where the battle begins with new shots of the robot and his Age Of The Primes Thirteen members as well as views of the Base that unfolds with a lot of gunner positions and even a spinning turret. Go behind the scenes on the second look at the making of the Star Optimus Prime Titan Class figure. This item will begin shipping in May 2025. Order while they last at the following sponsored links:
Interesting. Very interesting.
I was hoping for a smaller Optimus figure or at least maybe something for Roller. It seems Roller isn't even included as a separate piece. His treads are there on the trailer, but it seems as though he's no longer a separate unit anymore. It would've been cool had he been a Weaponizer and maybe combined with the Micro Trailer for a robot mode or something. But it is nice to see both the Micro Trailer and Hot Rod though.
Or better yet, have the Micro Trailers and Roller combine into something. Assuming they make more for a potential upcoming Sky Garry in 2026. Those Micro Trailers look a lot like the yellow mech from Gokaioh. Also kind of like the limbs to Energon Optimus Prime.
He looks to be about 14 inches as Superion should be about the same height as Menasor who was about 12 inches. Devastator is about 13 inches so this would put Star Convoy about the size I want a new Omega Supreme to be.
To me, that's a tad too tall for just an Optimus. Had this been a super mode for a smaller Optimus then I'd be more okay with it. Although, this looks like it's a Gundam for Hot Rod to pilot as if he were Minimus Ambus and Star Convoy was Ultra Magnus or something.
I get that this is about how tall he is but it's fucking with the scale of what's already produced. Unless they're making a new God Ginrai, Victory Saber and Dai Atlas to go along with this scale. Supe Ginrai should be the size of the Dinobots. God Ginrai should be a tiny bit taller than Jetfire. Star Saber should be a bit taller than that. Victory Saber and Dai Atlas are taller still and should both be combiner height but shorter than Galaxy Shuttle. Star Convoy should be taller than that at around the height of Galaxy Shuttle. However current combiner toys are too short as they're the same height as Jetfire. Which actually makes this Star Convoy too short.
They should've just stuck to the one scale like they said they were going to instead of making a second scale that's only a smidge different.