Hush, you non-War Within fan! :argh
it's hard to care with 2.0 prowl and animated grimlock coming out.
:abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :abrofl :rofl :
As excited as I am for the new Classics 2.0 like Silverbolt and Iron Hide, finally having the chance to purchase WWI Prowl and Grimlock is the best news I've heard coming out of this Con! Now, if only Titanium Shockwave, Cosmos, and WWI Bumblebee would see the light of day. :tfemo
Prowl and Grimlock were close to coming out when the line was canceled, so they had the molds done (and probably even did the production run), which is why TRU can get them (the same thing happened with the last wave of 6" Star Wars Titanium spacecraft - the line was cancelled, but the next wave got released anyway as TRU exclusives). I'm guessing the others never made it past the concept/prototype stage.
I'm not going to lie, I really don't like Grimlock's Titanium design. Transformation's too simple, looks like he has horrid articulation, and his arms just look wonkey.
I still like the Titaniums that are done well, and are important to me- pretty much just certain War Within characters. And that's basically Prime, Jetfire, and Grimlock. Hooray, my collection shall be complete and stuffs.
it's weird....I feel like I should be excited, but I'm not. At all.
I also lost interest in the Titaniums a long time ago. There are too many other options now.
... do I need to point out that last year also had a black and purple repaint of a Titanium figure that stayed on HTS for months?
I wouldn't worry.
Rodimus was a highly desired mold in an incredibly fan-popular line. On top of that, it was the only American release of a very cool remold. I'm sure Skywarp will sell out faster than Menasor, but really, there's no way it'll be like Rodimus.
As excited as I am for the new Classics 2.0 like Silverbolt and Iron Hide, finally having the chance to purchase WWI Prowl and Grimlock is the best news I've heard coming out of this Con! Now, if only Titanium Shockwave, Cosmos, and WWI Bumblebee would see the light of day. :tfemo
One can hope they get their shote together and incorporate that into the Universe line. And Skywarp is gonna be like last year's Rodimus. Available at SDCC... or a one in a billion shot getting it at the crash prone site.