Live at Toy Fair, we have been given a very detailed look at how the
Transformers: Power Core Combiners work and it will really throw you for a loop. Everything that you've enjoyed in the interchangeable weapons system has now been applied to the interchangeable
limb system. Read more to find out!
These figures will blow you away to see them in person. The figures are available - as you probably know - in two packs and five packs and Hasbro really wanted to create an interchangeable piece for new play.
The line is taking two pieces of the lore: Mini-Con and combination play are meshed together to reinvent the playability and story.
The two packs will feature a scout class figure and a Mini-Con, which will provide a new source of play.
The five packs will feature one scout-sized figures and four legend drones. These drones are either arms or feet. They are spring loaded vehicles and when attached to the pegs on the scout figures, the figure automatically convert to robot limbs.
The scouts are actually larger than most scouts that you see, although for such little guys, they have a lot of playability.
Each scout figure have three modes: robot, vehicle, and power-up. The power-up mode is activated when four limbs have been attached to the figure, and another head - available on all scout class figures - can be flipped up and be used as the combiner head. So that means, yes, each figure will have two heads.
It should also be noted that every drone limb fits with any scout figure. You can begin to combine drone limbs to other scout figures and create endless capabilities. You can even name him Sally Ann.
Mini-Cons have the capability of four modes: robot, weapon, vehicle weapon mode, and power-up.
Figures shown at the show include:
+ Huffer with Caliburst
+ Searchlight (Autobot) with Backwind
+ Smolder (Decepticon) with Chopster
Wave 2 Preview
+ Icepick with Chainclaw
+ Leadfoot with Pinpoint
+ Commander Bombshock - Team Combaticons, all except commander are drones.
+ Commbander Skyburst - Team Arielbots
Wave 2 Preview
+ Mudslinger - Team Destructicons
+ Doubleclutch - Team Rallybots