As we reported on a while back, Yolopark Rise Of The Beasts AMK Series toys would get their weapons with these accessory packs. They have just announced the AMK Bumblebee pack with official images that just happen to show Optimus Prime with an arm cannon too. UNFORTUNATELY, they pulled a fast one and you'll have to buy the Cheetor to get the Bumblebee parts and Rhinox to get the Optimus Prime parts. Read on to see official update and images from Yolopark. Both can be preordered now directly from
Bumblebee equipment new weapons, full fire!
Bumblebee Weapon Configuration
Combat Mask * 1
Ion Cannon * 2
In order to accelerate the shipment progress, AMK series Bumblebee/Optimus Prime weapons will make the following adjustments:
Bumblebee weapons will be presented in the AMK series of yellow leopard pre-assembled model
The Optimus Prime weapon will be presented in the AMK series rhino pre-assembled model
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