Just out on the SNS is a new image showing a possible Transformers Studio Series Core Class TF6 Bumblebee Movie Starscream figure. What looks like a retail solicitation image, shows the Cybertron scene movie Seeker model in both the robot and jet modes, thanks to @Cliffjumper290x
According to the image, this should be revealed by Takara TOMY on March 7th, hopefully with many other Transformers we are expecting in Studio Series Wave 2, that are supposed to be shipping in April 2024.
When the limitations of core class end up producing a better overall alt mode than the voyager. Like, I get what the voyager was going for but damn did that not come through well.
This guy here looks an awful lot like Cyberverse Battle Call and Cybertronian Warrior Starscream figures with the legs that go up and over top. Which kind of works for me because;
I like having Starscreams with the "same" designs done at multiple sizes. Especially lately, they're getting made at multiple sizes. Just wish Energon Starscream got some love. He only has the one figure. G1, Cybertron, Armada, movie, Cybertronian movie and a few other designs all have figures at several sizes. It makes for a nice display. Just need a deluxe sized Cybertron version. Original legends, Legacy voyager, original voyager, Galaxy Meteor and Supreme. Well, maybe another one between Galaxy Meteor and the Supreme figures would be nice too. Otherwise it'll be nice to have them all lined up. If only Fans Hobby Armada Starscream wasn't compromised by adding in Energon Starscream elements.