Following their Beast Wars Dinobot statue, the Cosmic Brothers Studio are already working on their next release with Transformers movie character Brawl statue. They have announced the hefty 85cm / 33.5-inch tall sculpture with images of the grey prototype showing the model from all sides. Read on to see the translated product information and images.
is a noisy guy who always likes to bully the weak. He is violent and wild, and easily loses his mind. Whenever someone blocks his way, he will attack mercilessly, regardless of whether the opponent is from a Decepticon or an Autonomous. Although this guy has a hot temper and a warlike nature, he is still a seasoned and outstanding fighter. Attacks often assign him to be the vanguard of the battle convoy!
In the movie, Jazz, Ambulance, Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Human Special Forces combined forces to knock it down, showing its powerful combat power!
This powerful deceptive warrior, a noisy and private statue, has now completed the gray model, as shown in the picture. And will add more battle damage details based on the gray mold, so stay tuned!
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