Cybertron Falls is a transformers fan film set during the final hours of the Cybertronian civil war and follows BumbleBee, a young Autobot soldier recently drafted into the war, as he tries to survive the fall of the Autobots and escape the planet Cybertron.
CYBERTRON FALLS is intended to be the first part in a series
Buy a Cybertron Falls POSTER at
Listen to the score on Youtube and Soundcloud
Samuel Jay Flatman
- Bumblebee, Distressed Autobot
Clay Willis
- Cliff Jumper, Iron Hide, Megatron, Shockwave, Skywarp
Jed Vargo
- Star Scream
Nick Marsh
- Optimus Prime
Jack MacArthur
- Ultra Magnus, Kup
Rajarajan Manoharan
- Preceptor
Andrew Filipe Gerace
- Soundwave
Christian Rausch
- Blurr
Christian Rausch
- Director, Animator, Editor, Producer
Jed Vargo
-Rendering, Producer
Samuel Jay Flatman
- SFX Supervisor
Rajarajan Manoharan
- Music, Credits
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