Many don't know that I have one of the largest Optimus Prime collections in the World with 1000s of toys and ephemera items spanning from Takara's Diaclone up to the latest Hasbro Earthrise releases. I have been wanting to show this stuff for years. So here goes, my first attempt at sharing the plethora of Prime goodies I have collected over the decades.
Since everyone is so into the Legends class toys these days. I snapped this pic on the shelf featuring different variants of the Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Legends toys. Shown are the various Hasbro and Japanese exclusives, as well as sub-deluxe classes including the Activators and McDonald's Happy Meal figures in a handful of colorful prototypes.
On 4/24/2020 at 5:48 PM, BaCon said:Yeah, that and there like so many licensed items from this series.
The shoes alone...
Animated Prime is one of my absolute favorites.
From a design I initially scoffed because it seemed so un-toyable, it turned out to be a remarkably screen accurate figure.
The design is so appealing as a Prime collector, because while it is it's own distinct style, it's a love letter to G1 Optimus , while incorporating recognizable elements of Primes more contemporary to its release. Like RID's Fire Convoy and Star Convoy's windows.
It's also notable for being, presumably, the last Prime to be developed without the dubious influence of the live action movie Transformers.
Free of the long nose, excess kibble, and silly flames, a more elegant Prime, than much of what was to come.