The Transformers Masterpiece MP-49 Black Convoy has arrived. As anticipated, the Nemesis edition of the much talked about MP-44 comes without a trailer and added accessories for about $200 less than the cartoon colors Convoy version. Takara even managed to fix a few things, making this a slightly improved version of the premium-priced MP-44.
I continue to keep on trucking all this week with a look at various Optimus Prime truck modes. Today's Prime shot takes a look at all the Masterpiece Black Convoy, aka Nemesis Prime, releases. Starting with 2009 MP-1B Convoy Black Version released in as an E-Hobby exclusive (left), it is followed by the 2017 MP-10B Black Convoy (center), and finally, the brand-new 2020 MP-49 Black Convoy release that is shipping now from Japan. As we can see, the MP-49 offers us a little less for nearly double the price of the first two editions that retailed for about $105 and $125 USD back in the day compared with the $250 USD price today.
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