With the reveal of the MPG Super Ginari figure this week, it's only fitting to break out the newest Masterpiece release with a look at the Tarakra TOMY Transformers MP-44S Optimus Prime.
The Toy Colors edition trades in the 2D cartoon / anime colors for a new silver and blue paint job meant to reflect the G1 Optimus Prime look. They even included an alternate head with Yellow eyes, dark windows, and a set of stickers to that look like the original.
I opted to roll with the blue eyes and windows, without the stickers. What is hard not to unsee is the MP-60 / MPG-09 Ginrai figure looks to be a retool of the MP-44. Something I am not too excited about, as the transformation of this figure is quite a challenge, for all its kibble-free greatness.
This would be better than the hyper anime version if it had blue eyes. Disappointing that this does it come with that. Overall the colors are much better than MP-44 which were overly exaggerated when compared with the anime.
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