These almost look like fakes of the rumored Transformers Studio Series Devastation Optimus Prime figure. Unfortunately, In-Demand Toys is never wrong. What I had hoped would be a scaled down 86 OP, looks more like an Authentics figure.
The box and packaging are looking very official for this rather simple toy coming to the Studio Series line as the first of the Transformers Devastation game figures. Which, the Constructicons also made a major appearance in. This figure is expected to be released in April, 2025. Check out the images below for more details.
This design was so simple to make! Literally almost any of their other Optimus designs would have sufficed! Please explain to me how in the world they messed this up... And I'm just referring to the figure's design, that's not even mentioning its useless ax gimmick. Don't get me wrong, I love it when an Optimus comes with an ax, but why did they make it a gimmick! There are so many new Optimus Prime toys they could have re-scaled/retooled, there was no reason to do this.
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Um, no, not really. No.
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