Takara rolled out Transformers Super Link in Japan with Hasbro airing the show shortly after under the name Energon. The second part of the Unicron Trilogy, it had a new team of characters and toys to go with them. In this series, the Mini-Con was minimized for a new one that allowed the mainline figures to combine together, though some Mini-cons were still incorporated in the show.
Today's shot takes a look at probably the most effective of the combination pair in the Super Link (Energon) series with the 2004 Super Link Convoy and Wing Saber combination that formed the awesome Wing Convoy. Even though Convoy had his own Super Mode with the Prime Force attachments from his trailer, he could also go BIG in combination with Wing Saber. Shown here is the Super Link SC-01 Grand Convoy combined with SC-17 Wing Saber in Flight Mode holding the Energon Saber with a little company from Kabaya's Hyper Transformers Series Wing Convoy in Cannon Mode (left) along with the TV Magazine Exclusive Super Real Wing Convoy PVC (right).
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