The New York Post is reporting on a Hasbro conference call that took place this week, with special attention to one item in particular: Hasbro is planning to relocate its China-based manufacturing. According to the article, Hasbro currently has around one third of its products made in China. Transformers fans will in particular note the transition in recent years that saw toy begin to sport "Made in Vietnam" stamps, as all or nearly all Transformers manufacturing had already been moved out of China. At the present time, it doesn't look like this is likely to have a direct effect on Transformers.
In the same call, Hasbro representatives reported that the company is successfully making it through the loss of Toys R Us, and while there is likely to be some small revenue loss for 2018 as a result, they expect to be clear of that for 2019.
You can read more about the Transformers specific information from the conference call, and view the presentation slides here.
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