TakaraTomy's TF_pr Twitter account has shared a new photo featuring Super Ginrai, the Powermaster Optimus Prime retool which will be hitting shops in Japan on or about the 28th of this month. And in this photo we actually get a direct side by side comparison with its Hasbro counterpart, letting you see how extensive the changes are for this release. Of course we know now at least some of that is indeed in service to the Godbomber coming down the line in May of 2017, but we bet some of it is there just because they could. Keep reading for details, and to see the full size image.
So, let's have a quick rundown of what's visible here.
• The feet are entirely new pieces that increase the overall height
• The shin panels
• The upper part of the thigh
• Everything on the arms below the elbow looks completely new
• The outer chest panel
• The front of the cab is of course known to be remolded, though it's only partly visible here.
• New rifles.
We also know that the Titan Master has a new face, versus the Orion Pax-ish one included with Powermaster Optimus. The rest is purely cosmetic, being differences in paint applications and plastic color, such as the grey plastic having a cooler quality than the Hasbro version.
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