Tonight was the night of the special IMAX preview event for The Last Knight, showing nearly a half an hour of various clips from this summer's latest installment in the live action movie series. As reported by Yahoo Movies UK, Michael Bay had a special message attached to the beginning of the presentation, stating again that, no really, he means it this time, he's not doing anymore Transformers movies. But he also spoke about the future of the franchise a bit, both what's immediately upcoming, and a bit farther reaching. Read on for more details...
Bay announced that the team of writers - the "Writers Room" so frequently referred back to - have outlined fourteen - 14 - additional movies worth of stories after where The Last Knight will leave off. One such is already under way as next year's Bumblebee "spinoff" or solo focus movie. Though it's an alarmingly high number of sequels, one should remember that it's very unlikely more than a few of those will ever come to meaningful fruition. Though it wasn't long ago that we heard there's a ten year plan for the movie series going forward from here, so who can say for sure?
In regards to stepping down as director, Michael Bay regarded it as going out on a high note, evidently very pleased with The Last Knight. He's also reported as having made special note that he used native IMAX 3D for filming the movie. Whether he does end up moving on to newer projects after this remains to be seen, but after 5 movies he may finally be ready to focus on other areas.
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