Transformers @ The Moon's coverage of the TF Trademarks beat continues, and we've got one that looks promising today: "Titans Return"! The trademark application was filed just this past Friday. The "Titan Wars" name itself was revealed accidentally and prematurely at BotCon 2015 - could this be the final name for that, or just a tagline? Either way, Hasbro's reserving it for Transformers use. Keep reading for more details!
Trademark Source: USPTO
Mark (in words): TITANS RETURN
Serial Number: 86768227
Filing Date: Friday, 25th of September 2015
Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date.
Status Date: Tuesday, 29th of September 2015
Registration Number:
Registration Date: Wednesday, 30th of November -0001
Prior Reg Numbers:
Date In Location: Tuesday, 29th of September 2015
Class Status: ACTIVE
Category: Toy action figures, toy vehicles and toy robots convertible into other visual toy forms