TFW2005 board member catz has posted some interesting information regarding some potential shakeups to the size classes in the upcoming Generations reboot, War For Cybertron. The Legends class seems to be going away again, with the lower two size classes becoming Micromasters and Battlemasters. There's also talk of blindbox figures - which tracks fairly well with the usual product development cycle as to when fans first suggested that for Titans Return. Keep reading for the Generations rumors, along with some potential Bumblebee: The Movie, Studio Series, and Movie Masterpiece info!
The size classes for given for WFC are the traditional Leader, Voyager, and Deluxe size classes, alongside Micromasters and Battlemasters, with the Voyager and Deluxe classes designed to carry the smaller figures. This is pure speculation, but we're wondering if Micromasters might come with slightly more expansive microplaysets while Battlemasters come with personal vehicles in the style of Titans Return. The summer and fall toy events should be interesting!
Meanwhile, the Bumblebee Movie toyline is said to continue into 2019 under the same "MV6" product code used so far. The gimmicks all sound familiar, with the best news being more new Tiny Turbo Changers!
Studio series is said to have at least 2 each of Leader and Voyager figures in the works with a minimum of five Deluxes. Repaints and retools of existing figures may or may not happen.
Lastly, one Movie Masterpiece each from 2007's Transformers and 2009's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are said to be planned for 2019!