Screenrant has gotten some preview stock images in advance of San Diego Comic Con, debuting a brand new wave of Transformers Generations figures! Interestingly, Screenrant does not directly refer to these reveals as being Siege toys specifically, instead calling them by the overall trilogy branding of War For Cybertron. That supports the conjecture that these toys will in fact represent the initial offerings of whatever subtitle will be following on from Siege. We should have some idea of that name by the time the SDCC presentation on July 18th happens. Now, on to the toys!
Previously rumored and backed up with some obscure retailer data, we're now getting our first look at Leader class Astrotrain, whose three modes all bear close resemblance to the character's classic appearance - though maybe a few shades too light in the grey for true cartoon accuracy. Joining that is Voyager Apeface, represented well as both a triple changer, and according to the information in the Screenrant article, a Headmaster as well!
The true surprise reveals are both in the Deluxe range. First up is Crosshairs, who is a redeco of Ironhide with a new head. And finally the last early toy reveal we've got today is Spinister! While having appeared twice previously as Botcon or Collectors Club exclusive redecos, this is Spinister's first shot at getting an update in a mold that's all his own.
And while neither Crosshairs nor Spinister include actual Targetmasters, as we reported yesterday, the Skywarp-centered Phantomstrike Squadron multipack does include a Battle Master based on one of Spinister's Targetmasters. So the truly dedicated may have reason to grab that set even if they weren't necessarily interested in owning Skywarp. Oh, the woes of being a collector...
Hopefully we'll have more to see once SDCC gets going in just about three weeks. Stay with TFormers for ongoing coverage of the event!
A couple of observations. 1. it looks like the battle armor and extra weapons might be going away, at least for leader figures. 2. Maybe Apeface's headmaster will match the titans return line? Sorta looks that way from the picture. Backwards compatibility I hope!
Was going to get Astrotrain when he was rumored but I am unsure now. If Blitzwing gets a leader release, I might go for it. Will depend on how they look next to the siege voyagers. I think Astrotrain and Blitzwing should be chunky and a little taller than Megatron but not too big. Cool to be getting some new faces though! Glad these are delayed till the next round of WFC (if that's true). Will give me a chance to catch up on the summer/fall releases.