It didn't take long for the SS-102 Optimus Prime Rise Of The Beasts figure to show up in-hand. Thanks to YouTube reviewer 刘哥模玩 who has put a video for the Transformers Studio Series Voyager out of the box. Get a look at figure details and compared with the original Studio Series TF6 SS-38 Optimus Prime and the Mainline Rise Of the Beasts Optimus Prime as well. See the video and images below for the complete breakdown and transformation details.
Love that he can pull SS-44's trailer! Might have to get another SS Prime . . .
Ordered the Wei JangAUtobot Apex. This is the most acurate COE ever done.
29 minutes ago, BaCon said:Get the Toyworld TW-F09 Freedom Leader (Tactics Waistcoat) and never look back.
3 hours ago, BaCon said:Yeah, among other things like the VIAGRA SMOKESTACKS. Fortunately, the Mainline voyager that Hasbro has not acknowledged yet, is a nice alternative.
I have a gripe with those wing fairings, and the bucket feet in truck mode.
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