Gaming site IGN has contacted Hasbro to find out more about the recent disappearance of Activision's Transformers titles from digital storefronts. Hasbro's answer will probably surprise you in the least, as it's the answer we all suspected. Keep reading to see the confirmation.
So, there we have it. Activision's license has expired, and so War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Dark of the Moon, Devastation, and the other lesser Transformers games are no longer available for download. Sadly, the current-gen remastered version of Fall of Cybertron that came out (at full retail price) last year was never offered physically, so you'll need a PS3 or an Xbox 360 to play that excellent game from now on.
Also worthwhile if not spectacular was Transformers Prime: The Game which appeared on 3DS and Wii. And while not particularly celebrated on console, the 3DS version of Rise of the Dark Spark was a strategy game by developer Wayforward, so that's likely worth a look.
All in all, Activision had a lot of ups and downs with the Transformers license. When they gave it the attention it deserved, or even a little bit of the attention it deserved, good things happened. And the developer of the two best TF games, High Moon Studios, has gone onto (presumably financially) better things, producing content for Bungie's hit Destiny series.
What's next? We don't know, but hopefully this isn't the last of (Good!) Transformers games on consoles.